Top Level > Original Paintings (5340) / Sculptures > Terence Vickress
"The Viking King" by Terence Vickress (now sold 21/9/10)

The Victory he was to win against rebellious Vikings in the South of Norway was to unite Norway under one King for the very first time making him King Harald I of Norway.

To this day there are massive memorials to this fierce battle including the Swords in the Rock. Three enormous bronze swords set into the beach at the Battle site!!
From Torbjørn Hornklove it is written quite dramatically what took place in this bloody battle where King Harald beat his enemies!!
Heyrði þú í Hafrsfirði,
Did you hear in Hafrsfjord hvé hizug barðisk
how hard they fought konungr enn kynstóri
the high born king við Kjötva enn auðlagða;
against Kjotve the Rich knerrir kómu austan,
ships came from the east kapps of lystir,
wanting to fight, með gínöndum höfðum
with threatening throats ok gröfnum tinglum.
of dragon fierce.
The Swords in the Rock
Three enormous bronze swords stand monument to the battle of Hafrsfjord in the year 872, when Harald Hårfagre (Fairheaded Harald) united Norway into one kingdom. The monument was designed by Fritz Røed (1928 - 2002) from Bryne, just south of Stavanger. It was unveiled by Norway's King Olav in 1983.
The swords, which are about 10 meters tall, stand for peace and unification. One sword is larger than the others. This was Fairheaded Harald's sword.
The swords can be found at Møllebukta which is a bay area on the southern shore of Hafrsfjord.
In Snorri Sturluson's Heimskringla it is written
News came in from the south land that the people of Hordaland and Rogaland, Agder and Thelemark, were gathering, and bringing together ships and weapons, and a great body of men. The leaders of this were Eirik King of Hordaland; Sulke king of Rogaland, and his brother Earl Sote: Kjotve the Rich, king of Agder, and his son Thor Haklang; and from Thelemark two brothers, Hroald Hryg and Had the Hard. Now when Harald got certain news of this, he assembled his forces, set his ships on the water, made himself ready with his men, and set out southwards along the coast, gathering many people from every district. King Eirik heard of this when he same south of Stad; and having assembled all the men he could expect, he proceeded southwards to meet the force which he knew was coming to his help from the east. The whole met together north of Jadar, and went into Hafersfjord, where King Harald was waiting with his forces. A great battle began, which was both hard and long; but at last King Harald gained the day. There King Eirik fell, and King Sulke, with his brother Earl Sote. Thor Haklang, who was a great berserk, had laid his ship against King Harald's, and there was above all measure a desperate attack, until Thor Haklang fell, and his whole ship was cleared of men. Then King Kjotve fled to a little isle outside, on which there was a good place of strength. Thereafter all his men fled, some to their ships, some up to the land; and the latter ran southwards over the country of Jadar.
The little isle that King Kjotve fled to was Ytraberget , where there were some abandoned fortifications.
Terence Vickress the Artist was born 1955, Rochford, Essex. Now living and working in Southwold, Suffolk. Vickress trained at Southend Art School studying illustration to sculpture. Terence ultimately made the transition from illustration to portrait painter and enjoys the freedom of painting fine art, landscape, Seascapes, Traditional scenes and nudes. Among the many commissioned portraits are many celebrities including the Boxer FRANK BRUNO, MICHAEL SCHUMACHER, 5 Secretary Generals to The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association including Sir Howard D'Egville K.B.E LLD, unveiled 1992, Arthur Donohue Q.C, Dr the Hon David Tonkin, Sir Robin Vanderfelt all hung in secretariat offices in old palace yard Westminster !!
Numerous other famous Portraits. Mayors including in 1994 Howard Griffin, Henry Strode, Founders of the Company's College in egham (Members of the Worshipful Company of Coopers)Mayor Councillor Joe Tobin, The Worshipful the Mayor Councillor Allan Cole, Ann Bettes, Theresa Baggot, The Lord Mayor of Cambridgeshire Crowden, Lord Lieutenants and Members of Parliament including SIR TEDDY TAYLOR MP. Terence has many of his works in Public collections including The Palace of Westminster, London. Many Parliament Buildings in British Columbia, Canada. Also The House of Keys Parliament Building, The Tynwald including the Hon Charles Kerruish OBE. LLD (hc) CP, Isle of Man. Porters Grange Museum, Essex. The Hall of Mayoral Portraiture, Cambridge City. Also now the Town Hall, Southwold, Suffolk. Also the Speaker of the house of parliament in Canada George McMinn Q.C