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"Caractacus" by David Aldus (now sold 15/5/10)

"Caractacus" by David Aldus (now sold 15/5/10)



ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING "Caractacus"  BY THE FABULOUS ARTIST DAVID ALDUS. This lovely painting of a fisherman on a peaceful lake in Wales.....................But then look again !!! On the rocks to the left of the fisherman a strange face looks out !! A Land spirit or Caractacus/Caradog of Welsh legend. Caractacus led the revolts across Britain against the Roman Invasions. Most of South East england was lost to Rome after his defeats. When he escaped to Yorkshire, then the land of the Brigantes tribe, he was tricked and famously handed over to the Roman emperor Claudius in chains.

caractacus in chains

 At his capture he bellowed to Claudius "If the degree of my nobility and fortune had been matched by moderation in success, I would have come to this City as a friend rather than a captive, nor would you have disdained to receive with a treaty of peace one sprung from brilliant ancestors and commanding a great many nations. But my present lot, disfiguring as it is for me, is magnificent for you. I had horses, men, arms, and wealth: what wonder if I was unwilling to lose them? If you wish to command everyone, does it really follow that everyone should accept your slavery? If I were now being handed over as one who had surrendered immediately, neither my fortune nor your glory would have achieved brilliance. It is also true that in my case any reprisal will be followed by oblivion. On the other hand, if you preserve me safe and sound, I shall be an eternal example of your clemency." Caradog's capture did lead to a mass revolt by the Brigantes tribes but to no avail and Britain was garissoned by Rome from the Humber to the Severn until Boudica's revolts. Legend says that Caradog now sleeps but one day will awake !!! ( Highest price received for one of his paintings is £10,000 !! Absolute investment opportunity! www.davidaldus.com ) Measurements height 16 inches by 20 inches Oil on Canvas ..................Box Framed .

David Aldus the artist has exhibited with the Royal Society of British Artists ( R.B.A ); the Royal Institute of Oils ( R.O.I ); and the Royal Society of Marine Artists ( R.S.M.A ) He has been nominated twice as a finalist in the Garrick/Milne prize exhibition held at Christies LONDON. His work has been selected for the Discerning Eye Exhibition by Art Critic, Edward Lucie Smith, where all his work was sold. He also sold all his work at the Lambeth Palace when exhibiting under the auspices of the Royal Society of Marine Artists. Highest price received for one of his paintings is £10,000. www.davidaldus.com The same painting was the subject of a congratulatory letter from Queen Elizabeth II. Lord Lewin,Admiral of the Fleet also sent a letter of congratulations. He has held one or two-man shows at Knightsbridge; South Kensington; Windsor, and numerous other venues. He has exhibited in Westminster Central Hall; Royal Festival Hall; Birmingham's Royal British Artists exhibition; Victoria Art Gallery, Bath; Rooksmoor Gallery, Bath; London Guildhall; Mann Island, Liverpool; Christies, the London Auction House,etc. GUARANTEED TO BE 100% ORIGINAL AND GENUINE WITH C.O.A 100% GOLD POWERSELLER
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