Top Level > Original Paintings (5340) / Sculptures > David Aldus U.A
"Of Mice and Men" by David Aldus (now sold 16/11/11)

MAGNIFICENT OIL ON CANVAS "Of Mice and Men ". BY THE FABULOUS ARTIST DAVID ALDUS. .......................... (Highest price received for one of his paintings is £14,000 "Lot's Wife". Absolute investment opportunity! This beautiful classic painting capturing a terrifying moment from the tragic story of George Milton and Lennie Small, two displaced migrant ranch workers during the Great Depression in California. Lennie small on the right has incredible strength and unwittingly kills a young girl. Shortly after this moment George Milton (pictured to the left) shoots Lennie dead to save him from the tortures of the baying mob !!!!! ....................................................................
Measurements height 16 inches by 20 inches. Oil on canvas.........Box Framed. .
David Aldus has exhibited with the Royal Society of British Artists (R.B.A.), The Royal Institute of Oils (R.O.I.) and with the Royal Society of Marine Artists (R.S.M.A.) at their annual art exhibitions held at the Mall Galleries, London.
He was a finalist in the Garrick/Milne prize exhibition held at Christies, London. The work was sold within minutes of the opening preview. His work was selected to hang in the Discerning Eye Exhibition by art critic, Edward Lucie-Smith, where all his work was sold. At the same Exhibition he was awarded a special commendation for his brushwork!! He also sold all his works at the Lambeth Palace when he exhibited there under the auspices of the Royal Society of Marine Artists! At the Westminster Central Hall United Artists' Exhibition he won first prize for the best Oil painting!!!!.
One of his paintings has sold for £14,000 "Lot's Wife". This painting was the same size as Turner's Hannibal crossing the Alps 5 foot by 8 foot. David Aldus also sold the painting "A tribute to the people of Malta for £10,000. The painting was received by the President of Malta Dr Ugo Mifsud Bonnici and is now in the Museum of Malta in Valletta. This particular painting was the subject of a congratulatory letter from Queen Elizabeth II. Lord Lewin, Admiral of the fleet, also sent a letter complimenting this painting.
David has held both one and two-man shows at galleries in Knightsbridge, South Kensington, Windsor and Reading.
Other venues exhibited at include Westminster Central Hall, Royal Festival Hall, R.B.A. Birmingham, Victoria Art Gallery, Bath, Rooksmoor Gallery, Bath, London Guildhall, Mann Island, Liverpool, Christies, Century Galleries, Henley, Omell Gallery and Ascot. David Aldus's work is in private collections nationally London, Isle of Wight, Scotland and Internationally, India, Switzerland, Norway, Australia, California and New York.