Top Level > Original Paintings (5340) / Sculptures > David Aldus U.A
"Fishermen at Sea" Joseph Turner reproduction by David Aldus (now reserved 6/10/11)
High Prestige Exhibition Standard Reproduction very large Oil Painting of Turner's "Fishermen at Sea". This lovely large painting uses oils ever more transparently and turned to an evocation of almost pure light by use of shimmering colour!!. "Fishermen at Seas was the first oil painting Turner exhibited at the Royal Academy.
This is a moonlit scene in the tradition of Horace Vernet, Philip de Loutherbourg and Joseph Wright of Derby. These painters were largely responsible for fuelling the 18th-century vogue for nocturnal subjects. The sense of the overwhelming power of nature is a key theme of the Sublime. The potency of the moonlight contrasts with the delicate vulnerability of the flickering lantern, emphasising nature’s power over mankind and the fishermen’s fate in particular. The jagged silhouettes on the left are the treacherous rocks called ‘the Needles’ off the Isle of Wight.....
Highest price received for one of his paintings is £14,000 "Lot's Wife" Absolute investment opportunity!
Measurements 4 foot 5'' x 5 foot 8'' (1 metre 35cms x 1 metre 73cms)
Oil on Canvas ..............
Ref only;Wikipedia; david aldus
David Aldus the artist has exhibited with the Royal Society of British Artists ( R.B.A ); the Royal Institute of Oils (R.O.I) and the Royal Society of Marine Artists (R.S.M.A) He has been nominated twice as a finalist in the Garrick/Milne prize exhibition held at Christies LONDON. His work has been selected for the Discerning Eye Exhibition by Art Critic, Edward Lucie Smith, where all his work was sold. He also sold all his work at the Lambeth Palace when exhibiting under the auspices of the Royal Society of Marine Artists. Highest price received for one of his paintings is £14,000. "Lot's wife" see . This painting was the same size as Turner's Hannibal crossing the Alps 5 foot by 8 foot. David Aldus also sold "A tribute to the people of Malta" that sold for £10,000. The same painting was the subject of a congratulatory letter from Queen Elizabeth II. Lord Lewin, Admiral of the Fleet also sent a letter of congratulations.He has held one or two-man shows at Knightsbridge; South Kensington; Windsor and numerous other venues. He has exhibited in Westminster Central Hall; Royal Festival Hall;Birmingham's Royal British Artists exhibition;Victoria Art Gallery, Bath; Rooksmoor Gallery, Bath; London Guildhall; Mann Island, Liverpool; Christies, the London Auction House, etc. GUARANTEED TO BE 100% ORIGINAL AND GENUINE WITH C.O.A.